Cheap hostels in The Jordaan, Amsterdam
Neighborhood Description
The Jordaan is rich with history. Located west of the canal ring, the neighborhood was once an immigrant community outside Amsterdam's city limits. Today, the Jordaan is a colorful, working-class neighborhood, though the hood's history is still visible in its distinctive architecture. The area is known for its arty scene and relatively low rents.
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Editor's Pick | ![]() International Budget HostelLeidsegracht 76 Amsterdam 1016 CR (The Jordaan) The Basics: International Budget Hostel | |
![]() Shelter JordanBloemstraat 179 (The Jordaan) Hostel Description: The Shelter Jordan is a Christian-run hostel situated in the Western Canal Ring of Amsterdam’s city center. From here, it’s easy to get to and from most major sights. |
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